Plan miasta Duhuk

Duhuk - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Baghdad launches housing projects in northern city of bDuhuk/b | News b.../b

The Iraqi Investment Authority has launched two residential construction projects in the northern city of bDuhuk/b, estimated to cost $40m in total.
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Positive News from Iraq -- 24

Arab investors are mainly property developers who are building bhotels/b and other tourist facilities in the area. The Kurds have issued new regulations to lure investors under which foreigners have the right to transfer profits in foreign ...
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busy tonight, so no particular order. tropical storm norbert b.../b

turkish warplanes and artillery units bombed kurdistan workers party (pkk) positions in villages near amadi in iraq's bduhuk/b province, a provincial security official told cnn. the official said the turkish military operation started at ...
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